Thursday, January 29, 2009


In 1776, the United States was founded. We became a country. 

In 1790, the first official census was taken and the country consisted of 3.9 million people. In 1790, there were 15 States, 30 Senators, and 105 House Representatives for a total of 135 Representatives and an estimated 3.9 million people.
So, in 1790, there was a ratio of one congressional representative to each of 28,889 represented.

In 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state. The 1960 census recorded 180.67 million people. In 1960, there were 50 states (plus the district of columbia), 100 Senators, and 435 House Representatives for a total of 535 Representatives and an estimated 180.67 million people.

So, in 1960, there was a ratio of one congressional representative to each of 337,703 represented.

In 2008, the census estimates were about 303.76 million people. The number of representatives has not changed since 1960 (535).
So, in 2008, there was a ratio of one congressional representative to each of 567,781 represented.

Wow, think about that for a moment. Since the first days of our republic, our level of representation in the American government has decreased by a factor of 19. So, my representation has a statistical value of 5.26% with respect to its original worth.

Does this make me less of an american? Debatable, but it does mean that my vote is statistically equal to 5.26% of the value of the votes of 1790 era americans. My elected representatives understand this and because of lobbying and other nefarious policies that are 'widely accepted' in washington, my vote is probably worth less. How could i ever hope to get any representation in the congress? If 567,000 people were to march to the capital, it equates to one congressperson. One. That's less than one fifth of one percent of the representative body. To compare to recent events, it is estimated that 1.8 million people turned out on the mall for Obama's inauguration. This would be about 3 legislators (or less than 1 percent of congress).

What's the point?

First point: I am paying about 34% of my income in american (federal) taxes and receiving a value equal to 5.26% of the representation elicited by the Constitution. That's not fuzzy math. That's a rip-off.

Second point: I do not feel properly represented in congress and i do not believe that any change in my taxes (up or down) would result in any change (better or worse) in my congressional representation.

Third point: I think most people understand this math, or at least agree that they are not properly represented by the congress. I also believe that this discrepancy between representation and taxation is the root cause of poor voter turnout. (FYI- even in the latest presidential election, only 56.8% of eligible voters or 132.6 million people actually voted).

I also believe that it is not really possible for the congressional caucuses to actually represent us. How could they? I am sure that they are doing their best, but the task is an improbable burden. 535 people representing 300 million people? It doesn't work. The sooner we all admit to this, the sooner we can get on with the business of advancing our culture and perfecting our republic.

We need to change the ratio of representatives to the represented. Start right away. Constitutional amendment. Change it back to something reasonable, spread the power out a little bit, as the creators of the republic intended. The only way to do that is to increase the number of representatives, and i would argue that we should increase them by a factor of 19. Throw away the districting that exists right now and redistrict the entire country based on simple population statistics. 1900 Senators or 38 from each state. 8,265 in the House. Recreate a house and senate that represent the people. We need somewhere around 10,165 congressional representatives.

At least.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Act II - The Economy

Cast: Hungry Class, Elite Class, Slaves, Salesmen

Scene I

Slaves: We made something.
Salesmen: Explain?
Slaves: We took nothing, worked really, really hard, and turned it into something.
Salesmen: Cool! Can i have it?
Slaves: We didn't make enough of it to share...
Salesmen: Can you make something more?
Slaves: Of course, but we don't need something more. We need something else.
Salesmen: You made something from nothing! What else do you need?
Slaves: We need safe & reliable shelter, food & water.
HC: Yeah food and water!
Salesmen: Ok. You give me something now, and i'll give you something else later.
Slaves: Sounds good. Here you go.
HC: About that food & water...

Scene 2

EC: I'm bored.
Salesmen: I have something for you.
EC: I don't want something, i want something new.
Salesmen: I have something new for you.
EC: Really? What is it?
Salesmen: It's really, really cool. You are gonna want it.
EC: Lemme see!
Salesmen: Its rare, and wonderful, and very new. Nobody else has anything like it.
EC: Ooooo! Tell me more!
Salesmen: Its expensive.
EC: So?
Salesmen: I'll show it to you, then you can bid on it.
EC: Ok.
Salesmen: Plus i get a commission.
EC: Whatever.
Salesmen: Here it is.
EC: Wow! That really is something new! I have to have it!
Salesmen: What's your bid?
EC: I bid one live salesmen.
Salesmen: Explain?
EC: You keep your life if you leave something new here.
Salesmen: Deal!
EC: I win!
Salesmen: I win!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Act I - The Hungry & The Deaf

Cast: Hungry Class; Elite Class; Slaves; Salesmen

Scene I

HC: We're hungry
Slaves: You should get to work
Salesmen to HC: I can loan you a stove to cook on, just agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: We're hungry
Slaves: I can't help you unless you help yourself
Salesmen to HC: I can loan you this self-help book, just agree to these terms of repayment.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: We're thirsty
Slaves: Here, i have a little extra to share, but i expect you to stop complaining after this great generosity i am showing you.
Salesmen to HC: I can loan you a nice vessel to carry water, just agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: We're hungry & thirsty
Slaves: I already gave you all i can give. Sorry, you are outta luck. Maybe some great fortune will come your way soon and save you.
Salesmen to HC: I can loan you this instructional manual on how to woo great fortune to your life, just agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: We're hungry and thirsty, and getting weak.
Slaves: Did you know that the Elite Class has lots of food & water? Maybe you should check with them.
Salesmen to HC: I have a great book, written by an award winning salesman, about how to communicate with the elite class. I can loan it to you if you just agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: We're dying
Slaves: Better you than me
Salesmen to HC: I want you to make good on all those loan agreements before you go...
EC: Did you hear something?

Scene II

HC: (We're dead)
Slaves: We're getting hungry
Salesmen to Slaves: I can loan you a refrigerator, if you are working, and you agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (We're dead)
Slaves: We're hungry
Salesmen to Slaves: I can't help you unless you help yourself, but i can loan you this self-help book, if you are working, and you agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (We're dead)
Slaves: We're thirsty
Salesmen to Slaves: I can loan you a nice vessel to carry water, if you are working, and you agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification. 
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (We're dead)
Slaves: We're hungry & thirsty
Salesmen to Slaves: I can change the terms on your loans so that you can borrow more books/appliances/dishes/etc, if you agree to these new fees, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (We're Dead)
Slaves: We're hungry and thirsty, and getting weak.
Salesmen to Slaves: Did you know that the Elite Class has lots of food & water? I have a great instruction manual i can loan you about how to communicate with the elite class - its actually on sale! Just agree to these terms of repayment, and these terms of indemnification.
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (We're dead)
Slaves:  We're dying
Salesmen to Slaves: Better you than me. I'm going to raise your interest rates.
EC: Did you hear something?

Scene III

HC: (still dead)
Slaves: (We're dead)
Salesmen: We're getting hungry
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (still dead)
Slaves: (We're dead)
Salesmen: We're hungry & thirsty
EC: Did you hear something?

HC: (still dead)
Slaves: (We're dead)
Salesmen: We're hungry & thirsty & getting weak. 
EC to Salesmen: Where are the slaves?

HC: (still dead)
Slaves: (We're dead)
Salesmen to EC: They died. We're dying.
EC to Salesmen: What happened?

HC: (still dead)
Slaves: (still dead)
Salesmen: (We're dead)
EC: Did you hear something?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Keep Your Hands Off the Levers of Power

If you believe money has an intrinsic value
If you believe in Religious Segregation
If you believe that corporations deserve more rights than people
If you want to consume more than you can produce
If you believe in Racial Segregation
If you believe that human lives are quantifiable
If you believe in the Draft
If you believe in Presumptive War
If you believe that competition breeds only excellence
If you believe that the ideas of people are more important than the people
If you believe that violence can solve problems
If you believe that prisons can effectively modify behavior
If you believe that you can change my mind
If you believe that you can save us

Friday, January 9, 2009

Violence is the tool of the Arrogant and Impatient

War is the study, implementation, & coordination of violence.
