Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Goodbye Old Party

Goodbye old party of 'protect democracy' while disenfranchising the voters
Goodbye old party of 'defend freedom' while operating gulags
Goodbye old party of 'pro life' and pro capital punishment
Goodbye old party of 'support the troops' but we can't fund the VA
Goodbye old party of 'country first' and civil liberties never
Goodbye old party of 'fiscal responsibility' and endless credit
Goodbye old party of 'contract with America' while corporations take record profits
Goodbye old party of 'respect the law' while torturing prisoners
Goodbye old party of 'no child left behind' while high school drop out rates increase
Goodbye old party of '9/11' with no capture of bin laden
Goodbye old party of 'the brave men and women in uniform' as they suffer from 'classified,' untreatable ailments
Goodbye old party of 'terror threat level orange' with no attacks
Goodbye old party of 'let the market breathe' while choking the workers
Goodbye old party of 'free trade' and 'globalization' while our jobs disappear
Goodbye old party of 'cut social welfare' while bailing out multinational corporations & banks
Goodbye old party of 'champions of the meek' while people drown in the gulf
Goodbye old party of 'trickle down' & 'ownership' while our economy crumbles (again)
Goodbye old party of 'higher standard of living' while infant mortality skyrockets
Goodbye old party of 'privatize services' while services disappear
Goodbye old party of 'hire my friends' while my country apologizes
Goodbye old party of 'god above all' while forsaking the people
Goodbye old party of 'prayer in schools' as long as its christian
Goodbye old party of 'tax cuts' and soul crushing debt
Goodbye old party of 'level the playing field' while short-changing women
Goodbye old party of 'everyone is equal' unless you are gay
Goodbye old party of 'practice abstinence' while teenage pregnancy rates rise
Goodbye old party of 'everyone deserves a house' as foreclosures abound
Goodbye old party of 'a gun in every house' while domestic violence is alive and well
Goodbye old party of 'finding a cure' but not with t-cells
Goodbye old party of 'AIDS relief to Africa' but no funding for stem cell research
Goodbye old party of 'war against drugs' while pharmaceuticals are advertised on television
Goodbye old party of 'cut spending' unless its for the military
Goodbye old party of 'i am the decider' without all the information
Goodbye old party of 'preemptive war' while my 'former' company triples in size and moves to another country
Goodbye old party of 'presidential legacy' while destroying all records of it
Goodbye old party of 'vocal minority' at the expense of the majority
Goodbye old party of 'every life is sacred' unless it's collateral damage

Goodbye old party of 'policing the world' and 'nation building' and 'evil doers'

....and good riddance


Anonymous said...

Goodbye old party of "Joe the Plumber" while jobs go down the drain.

Lies and Propaganda said...

good one!